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Vidz @ Orez

你不是真正的快樂 by May day

Gamming @ Orez

~ NEW! ~
Games at Miniclip.com - Base Jumping Base Jumping

Base jump over 5 rounds to challenge the King.

Play this now!!


無料オンライン オセロゲーム(ミニタイプ)BL

オセロゲーム ミニ BL


Tuesday 18 November 2008


1 如果你喜欢他就告诉他,即使他拒绝了,也不会丢面子,因为在他心里,会因为你的真情而非常非常感激你。
2 如果他喜欢你,要明确告诉他你对他的感情,喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢,千万不要怕伤害他而忧郁不决,不要让他等到最后才受到抛弃,因为男孩子的心一旦碎了就很难很难再好起来。
3 男孩子也有自己的脾气,只是因为爱你而压抑着,不要总是任性,有时他们的决定也很有道理.
4 男孩子莫名的向你发脾气,那时因为爱你,把你当成最亲,最贴心,最有安全感的人,千万不要冲他发脾气反击,静静的等着,等他消气后满怀后悔来抱你。
5 他为你准备的东西,即使再难看,再廉价,也要去珍惜,因为那里面融汇着他整晚的思绪。
6 相信他给你多么多么美好的生活,要给他鼓励,因为鼓励会让他创造奇迹。
7 不要总是打探他去哪,告诉他注意安全,你会等着他就可以。
8 不要总说~我爱你~,他会半真半笑着说你烦,但不要不说,因为有时候,他们比女孩子更需要这句。
9 他为你掉眼泪了,那么他是真的非常爱你,珍惜他的每一滴泪,不要道歉,不要安慰,握着他的手,默默的为他擦去泪滴。
10 要信任他,他爱你,就什么都不会骗你,即使真的有欺骗,也是为让你们的爱情能够永远不离不弃。

Tuesday 11 November 2008


某天 ~ 黃淙暐的老師 ~在課堂上出習題 ~


我家住在深山中,每次要出去買東西,都相當麻煩,開保時捷要 5 小時,開賓士也要4 小時;雖然家裡有直昇機,但是開到那邊很難找到停機位,相當的不方便。

我偶爾也會出去逛街,爸媽怕我被綁架,隨身有 20 多個保鑣保護著,大家看到我都嚇跑了,所以我從小就開始被排斥...... 因為家裡是在深山,每次到了冬天都非常冷,爸爸也說,出去買東西很麻煩,所以冬天沒有暖爐 ...沒有棉被 ...每天只能陪著爸媽燒錢取暖 ... 而睡覺的時候,也只能蓋著錢睡覺 (我覺得英鎊比較溫暖) 。

 記得小時候,有一次,因為房間太大,還來不及跑出房間,就尿褲子了。所以,爸爸在我房間放了一台小綿羊機車,好讓我能在 10分鐘以內,衝出 1000 坪的房間,穿越 5公里的走廊,到達 800 坪的廁所< /SPAN> (我常常在走廊迷路 ) 。

 爸爸又另外叫人加蓋了 20間 600坪裡面有著250 坪小廁所的破房間。爸爸說:以後如果尿濕了,直接換房間,如果房間不夠或是太小的話,再告訴爸爸,爸爸再叫人來多蓋幾間,我們的生活很辛苦,你要忍著點!!


 還記得有一次,家裡遭小偷,因為他用炸藥炸壞了我爸的保險箱,使得裡面的金幣不斷的往外滾出來,結果竟把那個小偷壓死了 ......我覺得那個小偷好可憐 ......
金幣壓死人是很痛的!! 他不像之前那個被鈔票悶死的小偷一樣幸運。

 所以我從小養成了刻苦耐勞精神,我將來的志願,是要找 200 隻會吃錢的怪物,好把家裡的錢都吃光,為那些可憐的小偷報仇!!



Tuesday 23 September 2008






Thursday 21 August 2008

CE Activity - Narrating Leisure

Dear reader,


before, holiday started, i participated in an research, named : Narrating Leisure
hence part of the research would be to narrate my leisure via blogs and diarys.. hence 19-23 aug i would be blogging about all of the issues via blog. however due to the fact that i'm in camp for the 19-21 hence this post would be a concentration post of the 2 out of 3 days and more, as 13Aug -19Aug has to be in diary and 20Aug -26Aug has to be on blog.


20 August, Wednesday

Weee….early morning … went for PT .. running and raining N comes together.. GG but nvm … cus the mood is right … (sometime having to run in the rain early in the morning also very good one)

After the PT, repacked the food and had breakfast … then … await for the bus to drive us to Changi water venture to have water expedition via kayaking.
3rd time kayaking …. This time round learnt to speed …. LoL kayak to race …. Didn’t really care about the winning .. but the spur moment of intensity really is the fun of kayaking 

After the kayaking … we went to filled up most of the water and off we go to Ubin 
Usual camp stuff. Find camp ground pitch tend. Cook food, then zzzz
However before we slept, we did have something different which is to … plan for our day 3, for day 3 we are suppose to hike around ubin to find designated landmark

Hence each team in-charge of figuring out the grid reference and locate the possible area in the maps

21 August, Thursday

Rise and Shine,

Finally is time for the hiking, luck us, the shackleton team, have been allocated one of the hardest route … as we have to scout the east part of the Ubin island, after a long journey …. Yet it leave us with mixed feeling of happiness and sorrow .. reason is because, after we found the first landmark … rain came down on us … without giving us any chance to retaliate … hence forming the wet & shag .. shackleton lol.

After the downpour … it seemed to wash out all of luck .. as form then onward , we were not able to discover any landmark at all, which our team redrew and re locate the grid reference however we still not able to find .. hence in the end we are only able to locate 2/9 landmarks ..

What’s special would be our encounter with a moth, during our last discovery of the 2nd landmark, this is because, while we were attempting to enter the forest, we saw a moth with a broken wing , struggling to move , which lead us to stop and look @ the progress, it triggers us thinking that, we should not be giving up on our hope and our journey in seeking our goals,, even a moth struggle to survive with one wing broken, and sometime we human gives up too easily… and yet ironically we are the more superior species.

Hence, I guess even though in the end the moth didn’t survive however, it’s sprit is what we deserved to learn from to do our best till the last minute.
Coincidently, after that, we found our 2nd landmark … behind a tree covered by a deep bush .. perhaps the moth was there to give us the message of not giving up 
After the hike we return to the harbor to await the boat back to mainland.

22 August, Friday

Went to YTVC today, mr toh is back … heard from my disciple that he is teaching more new tricks and obviously a bit fed up with the discipline.. cause I have smthing on hence was there nearing the end of the practice… however my motive of going back is not to see the new teaching but … finally got a chance to speak to the committee so as to update and mentioned about the Choir Camp .. saw the rough idea .. but still has room for improvement … which is for me to know and for them to find out… but I got hint hint le hor. AC members are also getting ready to do things, we are old but not useless cause we are also expose to similar camps and tricks too. . after 2 hours meeting in Beethoven Room to discuss about various issues and camp stuff and then we went for dinner. And continue another round of small group meeting at Long John Silver for 2 hours +++ also .. imparted a lot teaching to the people of the committee , not just use to solve the current problems but also to enable them to explore within themselves and improve on their own.

Thank you guys for giving this old man the opportunity to help out, really feel good working with you peeps … it’s not me that make the diff .. it you peeps 

23 August, Saturday

Saw 2 video today ..
First one is about HEY-girls, 黑涩会妹妹,
the take away from the video, would be that, even though some of us make look not soo good or appealing .. however with proper care and with effort being put in we can also be a nice person.

Also, in this world, the video also show the ugly side of human nature which show how people that are not so good looking, that are being treated very differently or even badly, as a matter of fact , external appearance is not so important one .. what’s impt would be to be a good person, if we are really putting in our effort to do good to others then eventually one day people would come to realise that look is not so important.

Just like ah ya , even though last time she always kena tekan by jacky but .. she was not angry .. but take those as compliment and work and improve on it .. Furthermore.. she is willing to make sacrifices to achieve something of a greater value, just like what she have mention in the video, she left for America to study during her peak of her career, which I feel that it would be hard for people to make decision on.


Next would be the show of jacky wu,
Piano … when can I get one ?? and when can I learn ??

24 August, Sunday

Working toward … my goal of going oversea ….

Slowly... My work place is 8 month old already … see the show progress from a space to a shop, from a shop to a cozy area where memories are form and kept ..

Working over the weekends for the money... Aiming toward my Japan trip during the Feb. vacation

25 August, Monday

Working for the whole day today …. Cus smthing happen @ the shop ytd .. hectic wor …
After work met with my sister.. to go bishan for dinner.. stumper upon a popular discount fair @ junction 8 .. hence … when over to take a looka looke .. saw various book @ really cheap pricing .. end up buying a recipe books teaching usage and providing information on uterlising herbs and TCM to blend with our daily food and diets ..

Was tempted by the beverages one … stocking up my TCM now .. preparing to make the soup and drink asap perhaps before September end ba ..

26 August, Tuesday

Teary eye… for many times ….

Reasons..... Friendship, Passion and Determination!!!

Went online to view some video about, BBT (Bang Bang Tang aka 棒棒糖 – Lollipop) – Taiwan most famous male group (for now)

From a nobody, to achieve fame and even fans of 100,000…

Sometime it’s not about how the company packahge them , however is the effort..
from a person who can’t sing .. end up having to sing solo and playing a piano @ the same time

All is based on passion and determination …

Dunno when my AC is able to do so …. Hope the day come soon …

27 August, Wednesday

Met up with VC juniors again ... to help FK and JS to solve their problem … haiz ...
sometime because of lack of communication… friendship, relationship ,kinship and many more various pattern of ship get broken up..

Think about it , it’s rather ironic .. for our world now with solid infrastructure for media , e.g. hp, video call, msn, webcam, good hang out place… we still face problem of communication , people still misunderstanding due to the lack of conversation and communication.

Luckily, and hopefully, after today … fewer problems occurs and each of you work hard to contribute to aid VC to flourish and excel …

My disciple look for me today … bought me cheesecake he made with PX, lol… a almost melted Cheesecake .. and taste super duper mega cheesy … lol… my 老命难保 .. haha but nevertheless.. very good attempt .. work hard and improve on the recipe .. I’m sure can succeed one . 

Awaiting for the delicious CC.

Sunday 15 June 2008

6th Student Council Camp.

6th council camp ...

Fun ... but tooo many macdonals hahah :P

expected more dota action... but ... guess everyone was tired

BEST part of the camp would be the badminton part :) superb cool .. thanks heikal for the suggestion :)

2nd Best .. would be edmund's GAME hahah ...
"who has the last laugh "LOL-ed .. super lame can ..but FUN ..

some pic of the camp ..

Heikal our manager and Sean our advisor

busy packing

Publicity boss - yousof

macdonal ar macdonal ...

for more pls do visit:

but limited only :P

Saturday 14 June 2008

What does [ 爱 | Love ] meant to you ?

a post supposely 1/22/08 8:09 AM


Friday 30 May 2008

29th May marks both a "SPECIAL DAY"

290588 - 29th May marks both a "SPECIAL DAY" - JUST A ANOTHER NORMDAY & the 1st anniversary of the 5th Student Council Elections

Happy BD Clinston Tan Wei Jie *my mentor*

That's HIM !!!


1 year aniversary to 5th student council

Wednesday 21 May 2008













我们的心 彼此都有







我们的心 彼此都有



一定会站在终点站 等我





Friday 9 May 2008

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Sunday 13 April 2008

Belated BD for Kelvin TGW

work @ udders till around 7,

Meet Kelvin and gang, to celeb his belated BD and chill too,
went walk walk ard .. then go  arab street very..packed .. gota seat on tor kar(floor) .. the food so so

todays uniques was the laughing gas .. cost 12$ .. knn darn farni lo .. those whom are curious perhaps you wanna try ...

today when they took the gas .. then we keep *ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding* cus the gas would give them slow motion feel and certian werid noise ,.. kan fun ... gues that the "real" effect was to make the ppl watching the sucker laugh. verson song lo .. addicted to Lauging gas GG ho seh liao

after tt knn kelvin got emergency case stomach pain till cannot walk.( -.- ).. then we long zhong go RAFFLES HOSPITAL ...!!.

but lui lac lar .. just emergency for toilet nia .. so after bomb .. go jalan jalan , see road all those racer ... marchiam Petrol FOC !!! then con;t jalan ard till reach orchard hawker then kelvin and vernon siao for HaRM(cockles)they oreder 5$ then ssup all finish in ard 10min ..there also got quite alot of chicken drinking and chiong on harms too, then we tok cock sing song .. seat ard .. play magic trick . poker .. matches etc...

eh who kelvin ??

u dunno tio bo

no worries .. scroll down ..!!!

BIRTHDAY BOY -our good buddy- KELVIN TGW

Thursday 10 April 2008

Happening :)

Notice Smthing ?

Look carefully

Monday 31 March 2008

理解 ?

这几天。。 发生了蛮多可以让人反省和检讨的事件。

有兄弟 - (因莫莫原因)结束了近5 年的恋情
有朋友 - (因表达不良)选择了逃避
有朋友 - (因个人矜持)对爱情,迟迟不敢告白
有朋友 - (因过于顽固)封闭了自己,只相信自己,而受伤的也是自己
有朋友(群) - (因沟通不良)互相猜疑误会
有朋友(的亲戚)- (因金钱问题)选择了死亡,留下了两个年幼小孩,孤苦无依

刚在另一个朋友的部落格(blog) 发现了以下的句子

When You Get Older
It's Harder To Fall In Love
Because You Know What You Want
What Works For You
And What Doesn't...

但是事实真的是如此吗 ?爱情真的有节制吗 ?



但许多书是却有个共同的论点 :就是说今年我们(肖龙)的感情运并不乐观。和财运/钱财是成对比的
E.g :感情好 = 口袋空空 , 钱财运势好 = 感情不讨好

Sunday 30 March 2008

Fighting sprits 斗志

" 一个尚失斗志的人,无论给于再好的武器, 也会被打败 "

Saturday 29 March 2008


人生往往有不如意的情形, 也有必须面对难题 与 判断下决定的情行。



负伤后的心可以愈衡, 但一直处于“受伤当中”的心只会越伤越深。

人如果不能坦诚相对, 知会为彼此添加“莫须有”的无名罪形。


常年累计或许可能演变成“后悔”吧 ?

Friday 21 March 2008

Lego USB Stick

Intro Lego USB Stick

Step 1

Creating The Case

Because the memory stick was quite large (in dimensions, not in storage capacity)

you 'll had to create a 6x3 Lego brick. Chopped a 4x2 and a 2x2 brick in half

using a pen knife and another brick as a guide, the pliers on the same penknife

were then used to remove the inner bits of the bricks and then the

knife was used once again to remove the sides. Another 4x2 and a 2x2 brick were
then used to create the case.

The four parts were stuck together using super glue and a steady hand.

step 2
Installing the stick

A groove was cut into the case to locate the USB connector and after a small amount

of modification to the PCB the stick was installed.

step 3
Securing the stick

Stuck an offcut of one of the bricks at the bottom of the case to

made the stick sit at the right height. Then packed the whole thing full of clear

silicone to made it stronger and reduce any movement from the stick.

Clear silicone was important as it still allows light to shine through.

step 4

Stick it together and polish

Stuck a flat 6x2 and 6x1 brick to the top of the case to enclosed it all.

Because of the amount of joins and glue lines some of the bricks weren't totally

level so used some fine wet and dry paper to level the edges up.

Two different grades of metal polish were then used to make the edges smooth and shiny again.

step 5


The finished product, the second image shows the original case for the memory stick

The final image shows the LED in action.

Have fun :)

Tuesday 18 March 2008

boi boi's TalenT #023

alright .. this ish a beri delayed post :)

as ya know me ish working @ U.D.D.E.R.S icecreams
so the festival decoration @ the shop esp drawing on the "'blackboard""(it was meant to be a cuboard) is also my jobscope

below is the mini mandrain orange bonsai i draw @ udders i took the pic down cus the space now is for new theme ...

SO a total compilation

Sunday 24 February 2008

Where is my Photo !!!

Just planning to re-arrange my data in my computer abit ..then i discover this pic

Me, Andrea,Mascott,Quan Long


then i discover .. from Dec till now ... my dear friend (in the white pants)...


~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today (Saturday 23/2/08) ~~~~~~~~~

today ok la quite a lot of fun day ... cus ytd work @t udders till 2++am ..
so woke @rd 2pm ... then have to meet my disciple-cYt and gang @t woodland...

then jason and Shawn happy making paper burn -.-

*the Firework you see now 20% of total*

omi ... muahha

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zffb0Y7cPS8 (Video bout the vocanoe)

Monday 4 February 2008

Boii Boii Adventure @ M'sia - 2008

hey hey no time to lose... straight away after school ended....

here we are at JB , boarding the plane AK 6536(air asia) ,as show in pictures.

first step to my holiday plan of one week in m'sia :)in fact planned for 3 week holiday but then my sis say she got O lvl result so .. may need to go NP .. but then now her eng cmi .. then we got more time for holiday.. but too bad 12-15 i'm havign first aid course so bo bian lo .. still stick to 1 week

1st Day

After we reach air port @ penang .. happily go find my laguagge .. then ..



My sis laguagge not there .. lol... knn suay .. then go find the person in-charge under air asia to lodge for laguagge lost ...
the first assistance still quite alright .. tok nicely .. let us fill some form (in -eng)

but then hor .. the 2nd assistance .. GG .. kan rude ...

me : hmm if the laguage is not being check in by the crew then would it be still at JB , can you do a check for us ?

darn B*tchy customer assistance : we don't know where is the laguage is, i already as my staff to contact the JB side already,

me : so how we know if the laguagge has been found ?

darn B*tchy customer assistance : aiya we 'll do check for you one, we 'll check everyday and we will call you every day, ultill you find your bag.. so now you need to wait

me : is there any compensation for the lost , can you check for us or do we need to find out online ?

darn B*tchy customer assistance : No , i not sure.. i call jb but jb has not reply back .. and we are very busy now so we cannot help you (*there is no one queuing except me and my sis* ).

.... seriously .. i wonder if budget airline hire budget staff Loled.

then i called my aunt to fetch me and we went supp
*reach liao confirm must find good makan one*

Hahaha.. missed the Kway teao Teng @ m;sia ... ish small yet nice lo.. fishball gao gao .. ingredient gao gao .. lol refer back s'pore one the soup as clear as plain water.. -.- how can it be nice sia >>??

Makan full full then ish, head to home .. unload all stuff , watch some TV play some dota then zzz..

alright.. update 2nd day one @ 3rd day ... cus spend $$$$$$ many many and buy many many stuff also ... lol... hmm say ard 20 bag of items ?? hahaha ,... stay tune ..

~ end of DAY one ~
Boii Boii Adventure @ M'sia - 2008

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