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My Darr.Links

Vidz @ Orez

你不是真正的快樂 by May day

Gamming @ Orez

~ NEW! ~
Games at Miniclip.com - Base Jumping Base Jumping

Base jump over 5 rounds to challenge the King.

Play this now!!


無料オンライン オセロゲーム(ミニタイプ)BL

オセロゲーム ミニ BL


Monday 31 March 2008

理解 ?

这几天。。 发生了蛮多可以让人反省和检讨的事件。

有兄弟 - (因莫莫原因)结束了近5 年的恋情
有朋友 - (因表达不良)选择了逃避
有朋友 - (因个人矜持)对爱情,迟迟不敢告白
有朋友 - (因过于顽固)封闭了自己,只相信自己,而受伤的也是自己
有朋友(群) - (因沟通不良)互相猜疑误会
有朋友(的亲戚)- (因金钱问题)选择了死亡,留下了两个年幼小孩,孤苦无依

刚在另一个朋友的部落格(blog) 发现了以下的句子

When You Get Older
It's Harder To Fall In Love
Because You Know What You Want
What Works For You
And What Doesn't...

但是事实真的是如此吗 ?爱情真的有节制吗 ?



但许多书是却有个共同的论点 :就是说今年我们(肖龙)的感情运并不乐观。和财运/钱财是成对比的
E.g :感情好 = 口袋空空 , 钱财运势好 = 感情不讨好

Sunday 30 March 2008

Fighting sprits 斗志

" 一个尚失斗志的人,无论给于再好的武器, 也会被打败 "

Saturday 29 March 2008


人生往往有不如意的情形, 也有必须面对难题 与 判断下决定的情行。



负伤后的心可以愈衡, 但一直处于“受伤当中”的心只会越伤越深。

人如果不能坦诚相对, 知会为彼此添加“莫须有”的无名罪形。


常年累计或许可能演变成“后悔”吧 ?

Friday 21 March 2008

Lego USB Stick

Intro Lego USB Stick

Step 1

Creating The Case

Because the memory stick was quite large (in dimensions, not in storage capacity)

you 'll had to create a 6x3 Lego brick. Chopped a 4x2 and a 2x2 brick in half

using a pen knife and another brick as a guide, the pliers on the same penknife

were then used to remove the inner bits of the bricks and then the

knife was used once again to remove the sides. Another 4x2 and a 2x2 brick were
then used to create the case.

The four parts were stuck together using super glue and a steady hand.

step 2
Installing the stick

A groove was cut into the case to locate the USB connector and after a small amount

of modification to the PCB the stick was installed.

step 3
Securing the stick

Stuck an offcut of one of the bricks at the bottom of the case to

made the stick sit at the right height. Then packed the whole thing full of clear

silicone to made it stronger and reduce any movement from the stick.

Clear silicone was important as it still allows light to shine through.

step 4

Stick it together and polish

Stuck a flat 6x2 and 6x1 brick to the top of the case to enclosed it all.

Because of the amount of joins and glue lines some of the bricks weren't totally

level so used some fine wet and dry paper to level the edges up.

Two different grades of metal polish were then used to make the edges smooth and shiny again.

step 5


The finished product, the second image shows the original case for the memory stick

The final image shows the LED in action.

Have fun :)

Tuesday 18 March 2008

boi boi's TalenT #023

alright .. this ish a beri delayed post :)

as ya know me ish working @ U.D.D.E.R.S icecreams
so the festival decoration @ the shop esp drawing on the "'blackboard""(it was meant to be a cuboard) is also my jobscope

below is the mini mandrain orange bonsai i draw @ udders i took the pic down cus the space now is for new theme ...

SO a total compilation

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